Nov 16, 2020
Cat is a sweet Southern gal that is kicking ass at Real
Estate. Listen in as she talks about how a wholesale deal
that never sold was converted into a money-making machine!
She lives in Mt. Airy, aka Mayberry, where she loves her community
and is working hard at providing affordable rentals to those in
Here is what Cat has to say...
So, a little bit about me. I am from
Winston-Salem, NC, the home of Krispy Kreme, and Texas Pete. I went
to College in Charlotte where I graduated with Honors. (Fancy,
right?!?) After college, I came back home to Winston and spent most
of the next 12 years as an awesome worker bee for "The Man". I
mean, y'all! I was killing it in the banking industry, my first
year was sweeping the sales awards at the annual employee dinner,
and reestablishing the goals for our Credit Union. I continued this
trend and made A LOT of money for my employer while killing myself.
Well, after a decade, I had a not so graceful exit. I decided after
my pity party was over, I would never again work for a company and
just be a number. So, with a mountain of support from my wonderful
husband Jeff, I put my big girl pants on and started a business in
a field I knew little about but had a BIG passion for. I have
educated myself, and continue to do so in the art of Real Estate
Investing. I am now, 2 years later, living the dream as a
Real Estate Investor and based in the Triad region of NC. My
company is Gardenia Gray Properties, we specialize in unique Real
Estate situations and challenges owners are facing. Gardenia Gray
is about problem solving and fair outcomes for everyone involved.
We are Grounded in People over profit.